Another Captains Competition.
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April Chronicle Lands….
TAGS Chronicle – February Edition
Here’s the latest chronicle from Captain Pritch
So ,a new season got under way with the first day at Worthing GC, and a healthy turnout of 33 players were treated to a dry day with very little wind . Scoring was decidedly mixed , but with a very healthy 37 points , King for the day was Howard . Well played sir.
A minor rule change to the Clown outfit prize ( where last season’s winners will stay exempt from winning it for the rest of this season ) , was met with immediate results .Last place on points was Riv (exempt ) ,followed by God (also exempt) so the winner of the first Clown of the year award went to Cheesy .He seemed to rather enjoy the dressing up methinks!!
The best 2 from 4 team game was won by Baby Bel / Gooders /Pitts and Oggie (as a wild card pick) and the nearest the pin prize on the 9th was snaffled by Wezzo .
One thing that deserves a mention, if only because you couldn’t write it if you tried , is that in his absence, Pritch ran a first and last sweepstake for betting purposes .
30 out of 33 players took part and that meant only three players were not involved . Needless to say , both H and Riv , who won the events , were 2 of the 3 players not involved so the Bookie paid out on Wooters and God instead .
Got any pics of Cheesys mincing….or Howards realisation that he didn’t enter the sweep? – send them through to me and I ‘ll get them posted!
Captain Pitts
Blair takes Final Countdown as Colesy snaffles the big prize!
Cowdray yet again delivered another wonderful final day of golf for TAGS, and concluded the year with Blair taking the Final Countdown and coveted Green Jacket.
But all eyes were on the final group to see who would win the Merit and the answer came from the previous group as Colesy secured a sound 34 points to beat Paynie* and Gibby to the prize.. Well done Colesy
The final addition to the 2022 ICOC cohort this year was Ash with 17 points…
Shock News!! Matchplay concluded in the same year it started…
Bucking the recent trend of unfinished competitions, its great to announce that the 2022 Matchplay pairs competition concluded on Sunday 25th September with Turkish and Colesy beating Jez Coates and Jez Wootton on the Worthings Colt course, 4&3.
Here’s the lovely couple celebrating their win. For those who dont recognise him without his hat, Turkish is on the right…:)
End of Season Dinner – 12th November
The end of season dinner is shaping up to be a great conclusion to the 2022 golfing year and Puffs Captaincy
Please make sure you pay for the dinner (£35/person) now to secure your place – guests are welcome as well.
We’re Back!
After a small outage, our website is back up and running as hard as ever!..
We’ll put all the information about upcoming golf days on the site , results and also news about our golfing exploits!…
Updated are the current results, handicaps and competitions, as well as a tour review and updated gallery photos..
Breaking News!
Our newest member of ICOC Peter Gibb is seen receiving a sleeve of balls at Tyrrells Wood after his successful performance based application to the confederation….
Hooks Lands a Victory at Tyrrells
Hooks won his first Green jacket at Tyrrells Wood with a win on count back with 34 points.
Wally on the other hand hung onto the famous green jacket by conveniently forgetting to bring it to Tyrrells after his win at Pyecombe the previous month. Fines were paid for such a misdemeanour..
But such shenanigans didn’t stop us getting the jacket onto Brians frame for the records.. Well done Hooks and Wally owes you a drink!.
Puff came second on count back with 34 points and Chaos third with 31 points.. Justice was meated out to Adam – 30 points with a solid fourth place – Cut no Prize!..
Not on photographic record was Pete Gibbs strong application to join the International Confederation of Clowns (ICOC) with a solid 19 points… which was duly accepted… joining our first application in Feb, Oggie. However, he did manage to win the nearest the Pin comp as well! Well done Pete!
More places up for ICOC in April as we move on to West Surrey.